Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tecnology and Teachers

It seems that we as teachers have to be one step forward ... and that is why courses like this are important in teachers training. It is important that teachers are prepared enough in the use of new technologies and communication so we can guide our students in their learning process in a better, faster and dynamic way.

After exploring ANVILL and some of the different tools and exercises we can that technology is a tool which could help not only the teachers but also the students in their learning process. As my friend Gabby said there are an infinity of activities that we can choose from in order to ay our class more dynamic and motivating for the students. One of the most impressive tools is VOICEBOARDS. Here students are able to practice their pronunciation at home on their own. There are also other tools which students can keep in touch with their mates and with the teacher such as the forums and chat...

We as teachers have to take advantage of these interesting tools in benefit of our students..


  1. Hi Eve

    I like to use new thing in Teaching you get a clear idea about to use technology in class. I want to congratulate for your altruistic work in Huigra

  2. Dear,

    Thank Vince, very much… You know it was a really nice experience….
